[written 3/27/06]
I was sitting around trying to find something good on TV last week, and I stumbled onto Sex and the City on TBS. I've seen most of the episodes, and for the most part I really do like the show. HOWEVER, and this is a biggie, so brace yourself - I am not really too fond of Carrie. Yes, save your gasps and oohs and aahs. It's true, and it's almost a hatred that I have for her.
"HOW? How can you hate my beloved Carrie?!", You cry.
Because she's like a Barbie doll, she's an ideal that you wish you were (and by "you", I really mean YOU, because I certainly don't mean myself). In the The best example of this is the Series Finale, when she ends up with Big. HELLO? Was anyone watching the series? All of a sudden this arrogant fucker becomes the man of her dreams?
What a crock. And all to appease all those dumbass fans who hope and pray that their assholes "comes around" one day. Sorry losers, but in real life that seldom happens. I would have preferred the Russian over this crap.
But I do like the other girls enough to keep watching. Even Charlotte!
Anyway, the episode was when Samantha is going through her first rounds of chemo, and Carrie tells the Russian about this (another idiot, which makes me hate the girl more - she had a penchant for idiots). This is the Russian's only shining moment, because he's completely realistic when he responds, "Your friend could die."
The bitch goes on a rant about how her friend won't die, and refuses to accept that this can happen. She goes on to write in her Doogie-reminiscent journal-style about DENIAL. She is convinced that denial is necessary in order to survive, and she poses the question : Denial: Friend or Foe?
FOE, BITCH. It's a foe.
Although we all need a certain dosage of denial in order to live from day to day, there are too many people living in denial that's neck-deep.
And then here comes dumbass Carrie to encourage this behavior!
Ignoring the truth won't make it go away. Bills pile up, people get sicker, loves don't return, society will judge on appearance, etc. These are the facts, ladies and gentlemen. This is LIFE. It's not pretty, but I didn't make the rules. Quit your whimpering, you pussy. It won't change it.
Meanwhile, I really don't think that anyone ought to retain the privilege of having children anymore. There should be a license required. In order to receive this license you must pass a battery of tests on mental acuity. Anyone who fails should be immediately sterilized, so that they may have all the sex they want without risking our society of falling further into the pit in which it is in.
Once in a while I meet some people that are genuinely sincere. NOT EVERYONE IS AN ASSHOLE. But don't count yourself in this group too soon. There's a good chance I'm not talking about you. Ha ha.
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