
[written 4/10/08]

Almost 3 years ago, I posted a blog about self-actualization, and I think it's time we brushed up on the subject.
That blog that I speak of was the first blog I ever wrote on Myspace, and I find it amusing that it's the first thing I ever felt like sharing with you Myspacers.

So what's the deal? This is the deal, the definition:

"What humans can be, they must be. They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization".

Let it sink it. Read it again. "Whatever humans can be, they MUST be."

We can't stifle ourselves, that's for certain. 
If we CAN do, then we should do. So long as the action doesn't hurt anyone or thing, then you're better off getting whatever you want to do our of your system, before it eats you alive. Or worse, you grow old and bitter because you suck and you never did what you wanted.

There are 4 areas of life that need to be taken care of in order to achieve total happiness.

Your physical needs - duh - if you don't pee or poop or sleep - you'll fucking die - so this is a little more dire than happiness. This stuff takes precedence.

Safety and stability- you can't be happy if you don't know how you're going to pay your bills, or if you move around alot, etc. Everyone wants to feel safe, period.

Love and social acceptance - if people aren't loved or accepted by society/peers etc., then we've got cases like Columbine et al. in our hands. Fuck that shit. Be kind to everyone, lest you be targeted for being a jerk.

Esteem and self acceptance - I say it all the time - if you don't feel good about yourself, then what do you have? Let's be straight.. you need to look in the mirror and feel like you're awesome. Its important for the soul.

Let's try to be happy in life, people. Let's make decisions for ourselves and not because of what others will think. It's all we can do, this is life.

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