Paging Doctor LOL

It all started in October.

An estranged relative of life (herein referred to as EROL) contacted me after 30 years of absence. Of course, curiosity got the best of me and despite my mother's warnings, I satisfied my curiosity.

(Disclaimer: I will use the pronoun "they" incorrectly from here on out to avoid specifying gender.... and because I'm just too darn lazy to keep typing "his/hers, he/ she, him/her".)

So back to the story......

EROL contacted me and almost immediately was altogether too open with me, sharing details of their life and as well as details of our shared genetic history. I was keen to read, and listen to, all of these tales because they are ultimately a part of me, which is also ultimately quite unfortunate.

We shared some time together; it was a nice time and though I will be bold and speak for the both of us, I know for a fact that EROL enjoyed it too.

After the holidays passed, I found myself at a fork in the road. EROL was expecting for me to be family to them, with regular visits included, while all along I was still trying to place EROL in my life in addition to all the baggage they brought back in. I took a few steps back. I suppose that I needed time to absorb it all, and in the meanwhile, learn how to deal with these new family expectations that were really never demanded of me before.

A few months pass.

One day, EROL and I have a disagreement on a social networking forum.

Ever since the holidays and the significant distance I had made between us in that time period - the messages on said social network had become increasingly hostile and challenging, At first I thought EROL was trying to mess with me; I took it as sarcasm. Slowly but surely, though, I realized that EROL was clearly upset with me ... most likely because of my sudden and "unexplained" cessation of visits. (If you were paying attention, I already explained it.)

The same evening as the disagreement, EROL happens to ask about my blogs (which you are reading) and asks if I am the author. Since EROL is fairly intelligent. I assume ( NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING!) that they are capable enough of handling what I deliver, so I proudly take credit for my writings.

Fast forward a few weeks.

I get an email from EROL, just barely 6 months after initial contact, stating they could no longer be in communication with me because of the dark nature of my blogs. My blogs.

Seriously? I can't even begin to say what came through my mind. At first I admit I as angry, because I felt EROL was judging me out of context. Thankfully for me, however, I can think further than the average bear.

EROL could have cared less about my blogs. They simply chose an easy target to release me of my duties, because they clearly saw that I just "wasn't that into them". Sometimes it's just that simple.

I never really did read the last vile email that EROL write to me.... it was just too darn dense and abusive to really dig too deep into it.

I know, because others have read it, that EROL advises I see some type of specialist to address my dark side (or something along those lines.)

Oh EROL, you're so crazy. If you think I need a doctor, then you're ready for a straightjacket.

The bottom line is, EROL felt my distance and decided that they had to be the ones to set the partition, whether or not it was logical, just so they can feel in the right. So they chose an easy target...... my super cynical blogs. (Blogs! They're not even real!)

All I know is that EROL is insane enough to condemn me for my blogs and still have an RSS subscription to it.

So, I part with simple words. Paging Doctor LOL, stat.

Reeling in the years, stowing away the time

Well, now.

It's been a while since my mind has been able to unleash - it's been well over a year - so there's a whole lot of congestion in there. Thanks to some smart and well written blogs that I have had the pleasure of reading recently, I got [sort of] inspired.

It's pretty late so I'll keep it concise.

So here we are. It's the year TWENTY TEN. That doesn't even sound right, does it? We're in the future! How the hell did that happen? (On a side note, wtf is 2000-2009 going to be called? The zeros? The 2000s? It's so awkward!)

We're only five years away from the "future" in "Back to the Future Part II"!! Sorry for the dorky reference, I know some people will understand why it's so traumatizing. (I can write a whole thesis on the subject!)

I entered the first decade of this century at 21, and came out swinging at 31. I'd have to say the theme for these fine ten years of my life can be summed up in one word: adulthood.

Life's going to slap you in the face, over and over again. It's inevitable! Bad news, deaths, bills, betrayals, lies, secrets ... all that drama you have to hate but love to know.

You either gotta grow up and deal with reality or you can be a big baby and run away and cry a river ... thus ensuring that you will be just as ill-equipped to deal with your next life trial.

Right up until the very last days of December '09 there were lessons for me to learn and grow from. It always sucks in the moment [and sometimes I WILL throw child-like tantrums] but it's worth the torment if I walk away stronger and sharper.

Hindsight it 20/20, my darlings - I think mine is 20/10. Unfortunately for me, my foresight has major astigmatism.

My betterment is my #1 priority in the first one-third of this year.