
Well, well, well. Here I was thinking that the liberals were the detriment of politics (hell, of all society), when in reality, they are actually an integral part of it (of both). Yeah, I may not like the way they think but at least they have some logical points to make; they believe in the system we live under... which may not be perfect but it's better than most.
If you don't agree, please feel free to pack up and leave at any time. Seeing that we have an immigration problem, the best thing to do would be to eliminate anyone who bitches and moans about this country's government and the "atrocities" it commits.

But... wait... there's this thing called "freedom of speech" here. So you can take a shit on the president's picture and wipe your ass with the flag and you're ok to stay.

Yet... you complain anyway. Because you can! Right? Right.

I read something written by a straight-edge, atheist, vegan anarchist and I actually sat back in my chair and shuddered. I can only liken the author of this lovely passage to an educated white-supremacist or otherwise authoritative hate-spreader. When people are stupid and filled with hate, it's funny. When they're intelligent and filled with hate, it's scary.

It caught my eye because he was arguing a point that "getting into the government" won't change the systems, because once you're in, the power corrupts you. He made the point of communism - how promises are made - and once the presidency is won - the power goes to the head and the promises go out the window.

"Anarchy is order", he says.

So instead of paying taxes, he would propose that I (and every other hard worker out there) give my hard-earned money to the social causes of food and healthcare. But if food and healthcare were free, why would anyone work? Wouldn't everyone just quit their jobs and go get their monthly food handouts every month from the government? No, because that would be CUBA.
Besides, anarchy means "no rule" - so no government. So who would we turn to for food? Would we grow it? Who would provide the free healthcare? The village shaman? Because it's obvious that college degrees / professionals /et al. would cease to exist due to lack of interest and demand.

[The real problem is that these are working-class morons who want the perks of life and success without going through the proper channels. Sure life is unfair, but you work to make it fair. It doesn't just happen.]

This has given me reason to smile the next time someone says they're voting for Obama. At least they're VOTING! Long live capitalism.

Get a job.